Apple Bites Educational Opinions and Commentary Part 6 of 7
Commentary, Facts, and Opinion on Issues Related to Children and Education
Trump's Racism, Weakness, and Ignorance Tarnished America's Values held by The Nation's School Children
Part 6
The Devil in a Red Tie-Why Republicans Should Not Hold Office in America for Generations
What Donald Trump Did to America?. The damage done by Donald Trump and his administration and republican allies is so extensive that one would do well to conclude that no Republican should be head of the US government, or hold office for the next 75 years. Trump's ignorance, narcissism, weakness, cruelty,incompetence, and racism are dangerous to school children, and is deadly to citizen.
What School Children Learned from Donald Trump
In the age of typewriters, pencils, and telephone booths, children respected the presidency and wanted to grow up to be President. Parents sent their children to school to learn the fundamentals of education, improve their lives, acquire knowledge, and practice and appreciate the values of good citizenship and the principles of democracy. In the age of laser pens, computers, cloud, and technology children don't want to be president. The office no longer has an image of pride, but racism , ignorance, lying, cruelty, division, sedition, and hate.
The Office of the President hasn't change, but the present occupant has corrupted the office. For the first time in American History, an ignorant, allegedly demented president, who is a lover of Russia, and admirer of dictators and Confederate statues and what they stands for is allowed to demonstrate his un-American viewpoints. He is allowed to flaunts his racism and promotes his hateful and anti democratic policies for the country.
School children and their families see and experience Trump's cruelty and lack of moral character.` They now know Trump does not care about them or their education. They are aware that there is a deadly corona virus in America. one that Donald Trump has known about for more than seven months. They are also aware that President Trump has no plan to fight the virus, nor is it his intention. He nor Secretary of Education, Betsy Devos has a national plan or local suggestion to help schools fight this virus. Trump knows that it is deadly and still desires schools and colleges open although unprepared. He repeatedly suggested, urged, and demanded that public schools open for in person learning. He has done this knowing that children will get the virus and some children or their parents or friends will die. Trump does not care, he is weak on responsibility, leadership and preventive measures for the corona virus. Trump knows he has made no attempt to help schools, or provide federal funds for them to help themselves. To ask children to return to school knowing that they will get a virus and died is cruel and inhumane punishment. It is ironic that Trump want public school children to return to school a mist a deadly pandemic. However, his son who attends St Andrews, in Maryland's Montgomery county will not open.(until safe) It is easy to tell some one else's child, go to public school with dangers, when you know your child will not attend his private school. Saint-Andrews will not open without safety measures in place.
200,000 people in this country have lost their live as a result of the virus as of mid September, 2020 and the number is still rising. Trump has urged that the virus be allowed to run rampart and people become infected to create what he calls "herd immunity". This philosophy suggest letting 2,5000.000 people get sick ,infected or perhaps die to create immunity in the nation and the virus will as Trump put it " just disappear". Nothing is further from the truth. These are the words and view of the president-the man in the red tie. The evil one. Even a third grader who did not hire someone to take his school test will know that this view is entirely false. Yet, this president continues to push views and products that do not save lives-or stimulate immunity. . Trump has pushed ineffective drugs, ineffective plasma, and now just "get the virus" to create a so called herd immunity. Medical doctors and scientist state Trump's science fiction philosophy will only kill and not cure.
Trump and his administration has demonstrate they will do nothing to protect America. He is weak and inept. When people tell you who they are,and their families tell you who they are,and they demonstrate who they are, and they define themselves in selfishness,ignorance, and cruelty, believe them all. That's who they are, and they will not change. They should not govern.
Likewise, Republican Senators are equally as weak and share responsibility for the ills and deaths of 200,000 Americans. 99 percent of Republicans are just Trump lackeys. They fall in line and wait for a chance to show how well they can kiss up to Trump, and sell ill will to the American people.
House Democrats impeached Trump, and 99% of Senate Republicans refused to protect Americans and vote Trump from office. If Republicans had the testicles to vote Trump out during his impeachment, 200 ,000 people including children may still be alive. Trump want parents to ignore the fact that the corona virus does not overlook or refuse to infect children.
Republicans did not object when Trump went to court to destroy Obama Care which covers previous-existing conditions for the ill. Republicans were silent when children were separated from their parents and placed in cages. When immigrants who came to acquire freedom were unjustly deported, Republicans praised Trump. When Americans lost their jobs, and $600.00 would feed their families,and keep some school children from being hungry and homeless, Republicans said that was too much money. Republicans let families suffer, and they are still suffering, and without jobs because Trump would not handle a deadly virus. Thousands of women who lost their job resulting from the virus, $600.00 assistant is essential. Many women, without child care, are compelled to stay at home and take care of their children, this prevents them from job search. For Republicans, its OK to let thousands of people suffer,and allow children to go hungry. Children as well as their parents witness the irresponsibility of this President and Republicans in the Senate. Republican Senators sold the country's democratic values,constitutional principles, the welfare of children, and their own souls to Trump for the privileged of kissing his "Donald".
" Delusions of your greatness is what you think, but in reality, there is no greatness in you if you lack wisdom, cannot solve problems, cannot respect others, cannot welcome truth, cannot lead justly, cannot show empathy, cannot accept fault, and cannot protect people of your nation.."
-Dr. J T Clemons